Friday, December 21, 2018

Post # 14
Happy Holidays to all and Happy New Year!
Here are some fun photos for you

 2019 will be the year when I do my big trim. 
There have been many delays due to personal family business I needed to focus on. 
I have continued trimming after my first 10" trim in Sept 2017. Total of 20" has been trimmed...My hair is still to the floor.

I wanted to get back into having fun with hair so I started working on some hair accessories.
I made 3 videos about my favorite thing...CLAW CLIPS and custom painting them!
You can see them over on my YouTube Channel and to make it easier I can also link them here.
I show them in my hair and the buns are current ones with floorlength hair.

I also made a PAGE over on my hair site and its under construction but you can see some clip photos there.

See how I do it
Video Below is where I SHOW the ones I have painted.
CLAW CLIPS have helped me on my long hair journey more than anything!
Wearing hair up was crucial to gaining length.
So let me focus again on hair and check back for updates!
Remember, you can comment below!

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Post # 13πŸ’—

After thinking about my hair length, I have decided to maintain for a while longer and trim frequently. As of the last year Sept 2017 to Sept 2018 I have trimmed 19.5" the biggest section being 9" and all the rest were .5"/ 1" and  a little more.(see trim video in post # 12)
Lets face it...age and stress have thinned my hair at the longer lengths, plus some brutal winters where I had massive tangling that was hard to correct.The journey has been very difficult at times!
TODAY my hair is 74.5 and seems to be growing faster and as soon as I trim it is right back!
My plan is to film a self trim video and cut 2-3" and show how easy it is. My hair has thinned so much from classic to floor that if I cut 12" I really don't think it would look much thicker.
Shorter length like classic might be better, but right now that seems too drastic.
I will say that my hair is in great condition. I guess we cant have it all can we! I appreciate what I have and am working with it. People are asking for length photos and videos so let me see what I can come up with. I did show length in a couple recent videos on YouTube- wet to dry and making braid waves.
πŸ’ŸHere is the braid wave one:

πŸ’Ÿand the wet to dry video:
πŸ’œSo you can see my hair is still VERY long and may seem thick enough.. and I wanted to create these videos before I go shorter. I will maintain my hair around ankle after the trim video I have planned. I am STILL finding out what my best hair length should be. Right now it is VERY LONG and I believe once I trim shorter I will not grow to this length again. Let me take my time getting there!

Here is a photo I posted on facebook and people really liked it. Remember that my LONGEST length EVER was 86". See my facebook pageπŸ‘‰ HERE πŸ‘ˆπŸ’™

I have made tons of hair tutorials this summer of 2018 so check out my channel and SUBSCRIBE
Easy styles for long hair! Click link below.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Post # 12 
finally... my hair trim video!

86 to 76 trim!

Although this was from September 2017, I finally got around to sharing it here. It's NOT public on YouTube and is for this blog ONLY. Many things prevented me from working on this video including my computer crashing, but here it is! 

LEAVE ME A COMMENT! (see below)

TODAY my hair is still 73" and I want to maintain it for a while around 68-70"/floor/ankle range to thicken up the ends if possible...My hair really needed this trim and I was very happy with the outcome and say goodbye to my longest, oldest hair.

I have done several small 1"/ 2" and dustings trims since this video and will continue to trim monthly.

Trimming is all part of the growing journey, so for those few people who are upset, please don't be!

FYI my hair grows about 7" per year.

  I have trimmed 18" since September 2017


How do I wear all of this hair???

Check out my YouTube Channel & SUBSCRIBE

 Here is the link to my channel YOUTUBE

for visiting!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Post # 11

AN UPDATE. Better late than never.

So sorry I have not been able to keep up with this blog and updating it more often. Life has been very hectic and the best laid plans seem to be a dream sometimes!(all the time lately) I DID CUT 10" back in Sept of 2017 but didn't post about it here. It was the oldest hair that was dragging the floor and it had to go!
I also did a video of the trim but have not had time to edit the video. Maybe my next post will include the video.Does anyone really want to see it??? 10" with my extreme length is not really much! It was 86" and now 76". I continued to maintain at 76" by doing smaller trims several times in the last few months. For the first time I cut my hair while it was tied off with a small band. I always self trim and it is very easy to do if your hair is long enough. So combined I have cut about 14" since September 2017.Today it still hits the floor enough to step on it and be too long!

I can post an OLDER self trim direction picture here for you to see. This is how I do the smaller trims.
Im planning on cutting back to around knee very soon.Almost like in these photos of the self trim but a bit longer. I hope you can see the photo good enough to read...if not see the bigger photos HERE on my site!

The day I cut the 10" I actually made a video called the easy hand wrap poof bun. I refused to do a video until I did a major trim! I hated the way the ends looked that much! Also, My hair was sort of messy after about 6 takes of the bun so hair is a bit wrinkled! I have also been sleeping with a bun and its caused some breakage which can be seen in the video! Just being honest! I never used to sleep with it in a bun but got in the habit while caring for a sick family member and then just kept doing after the family member passed away.
I wear my hair in the easy hand wrap style often as it is so easy and fast with no twisting or braiding!
I have been dealing with numerous problems in life that has prevented me from focusing on hair projects! Its really sad that I have lost so much time!!
Anyway, here is the video I did on the day of the cut back in September 2017. I hope to get the trim video up at some point and will ONLY be posting it here and not public over on YouTube! Check back.
Please do not try to talk me out of trimming my hair. Im going forward and this is what the blog is all about! Finding MY best hair length.
And the beautiful stick here was by Eaduards Hair sticks which sadly has gone out of business.

πŸ’–Thank you so much for visiting and for your patience!!!
Taking down the poof bun!


Here are the poll results...( FROM PREVIOUS BLOG )
followed by PAST FLOOR 53 votes
then FLOOR LENGTH 48 votes
then ANKLE 41 votes
and then KNEE at 38 votes
πŸ’–Thank you for voting long hair lovers!!